Lotus Underground

Ak-ka Sei

Suzuri no Tamashii
Played by Sanya
A simple, unassuming and family-oriented person. Trouble seems to find her, even if she wouldn’t like it to.

Ezume Ikeda

Pastry Chef
Played by Salem
Quiet and reserved, Ezume blends into crowds with ease. They work at Mochitsuki Bakery in Tokyo. crafting delectable pastries and cakes. When not baking, Ezume immerses themselves in video games, seeking epic adventures and virtual victories. Through the art of baking and the exhilaration of gaming, they enjoy the magic in both the tangible and intangible realms of life. They are, however, terrible at conversation and would rather stand off in the sidelines rather than speak up.

Faiz Al-Rahji

Commercial Welder
Played by Mod Mae
Searching "Faiz Al-Rahji" on your search engine of choice will rarely bring up anything related to this individual - you're far more likely to find LinkedIn profiles belonging to other people with similar names. Do some more digging, and you'll find their name among many others on the staff list of a no-name car repair company. One or two of that company's Yelp reviews make reference to a nervous kid who the reviewer thought was going to mess up their car, but who did a surprisingly good job. And then there's the Twitter account @fz1197876, which only has two posts on it and a whopping three followers. Two of whom are bots. In this day and age, is it even possible to have this little of a digital footprint?

Hiori Hoshizora

Played by Tess
Hiori Hoshizora is a relatively unknown character with no real fame to speak of. It’s not too hard to find her blog, where she mostly posts photography from around her home of Hirosaki - popular subjects include food, and the night sky, but very little personal information. Some thorough digging might bring up some mentions in the context of a Shinto shrine run by the Hoshizora family, though nowadays Hiori’s name barely comes up.


Furutsubaki no Rei
Played by Brie
Always ready to greet guests with a smile, Honey really embodies the sunshine at Sunset to Sunrise. The hostess has been working at the cabaret club for years, steadily growing in popularity and strengthening her bonds with club regulars. They say she’s a charming, young woman— great at holding a conversation and holding her liquor. What more could a lonely, miserable salaryman ask for?

Ignacio "Iggy" Kaneko-Garcia

Investigative Journalist
Played by Lepra
Ignacio “Iggy” Garcia-Kaneko is not by any means a celebrity, but anyone with even passing interest towards crime and investigative journalism will likely have heard of him. Ignacio is known for having written many an exposé on criminals, some of his finest work having landed a fraudulent CEO in jail for decades and leading to the arrest of a yakuza family head. For a time he worked for the New York Times as a foreign correspondent before moving to Japan and becoming a journalist for a newspaper called Tokyo Daily, but he quit the position a few years ago and started to write significantly less. Now he has reappeared with a recorder in one hand and a pen in the other, though what sort of case he might be working on is still a mystery. As Ignacio would put it, “It’s still on the drafting table.”

Isago Mikurube

Florist/Floral Arranger
Played by Munny
*Hair that matches the sky, eyes that remind you of cherry blossoms-- no matter what kind of person you might be, you might be able to feel a consistent lively air around this woman.*Isago Mikurube is the humble owner of the flower shop 'Angel’s Trumpet', acting as its main florist and flower arranger. Customers most commonly refer to her as Miss Hanami due to her appearance, and she doesn’t seem to really correct them. Just as you would expect from a woman like her, she’s incredibly gentle and welcoming, and she wouldn’t even dare hurt a fly.Despite her polite and careful mannerisms however, her attitude tends to match the current atmosphere: if everyone is happy, she becomes playful, and a bit louder. If everyone is pensive, she makes sure to give everyone comfort, but quietly. A flower that adapts to her surroundings to live. She tends to put others before herself, and genuinely cares for others’ safety. You can tell that her generosity is no joke.

Jianjun Xiao

Played by Mickey
If you have any interest in gloomy little out-of-the-way bars, or happen to frequent the city streets in the dead of night, Jianjun might be a familiar figure. Not a particularly chatty or outgoing one, but his appearance would be a bit hard to forget. If you happened to actually visit the bar he works at, you may have been treated to a bottle trick or two!

Kaichirou Narumi

Classical Musician
Played by Noah
Kaichirou Narumi is the youngest son of the wealthy Narumi family who are well known for individuals such as the patriarch, Kaichirou’s grandfather and billionaire, and Miyu Narumi, a company owner of her own with her own pile of wealth. Kaichirou is not a businessman like his mother or grandfather, however- he is a musician. With a theater that his family regularly sponsors and promotes, Kaichirou performs solo, in orchestras, in quartets, with accompaniments, as accompaniment. His favored instruments are cello, violin, piano, and singing, but he has knowledge of the viola and string bass and in his free time also practices more traditional instruments such as the biwa.Although Kaichirou is largely criticized for utilizing his family’s money to take the forefront of the performances that take place in the venue, critics can agree his skill is commendable. Word of mouth suggests the individual himself has spent a large portion of his childhood with the best paid teachers for many different instruments.

Kino Raion

College Student
Koma Inu
Played by Yuufa
In the art world, the name ‘Kino Raion’ is not unheard of, especially in recent times. A few years ago, this gifted landscape painter has gone viral with his art exhibition, as his works were so lifelike that one might think that they’re staring out of a window rather than looking at a painting. After that initial spot in the limelight though, Kino Raion has mostly withdrawn from any media coverage. For many years, not much was heard from this talented painter - until he resurfaced again half a year ago, with a new exhibition that is even more breathtaking than his last one. Naturally, through social media, it went viral again. From what is known, Kino is currently in his last semester as a visual arts major and he donates quite a bit of his income from commissions to various charities.

Bloody Mari

Underground Rock Musician
Suzuhiko Hime
Played by Jonah
If you’re a fan of Japan’s league of underground music then you might have heard Night Slaughter, an alternative rock metal band. Their lead vocalist and guitarist being the one and only Bloody Mari. The band started five years ago, playing at various venues and doing relatively well. Their latest album is a concept album telling the lore of the band’s theme; Mari, a woman bleeding out seeing a Ikiryō of herself. The Ikiryō is the singer in the songs themselves and is seething in rage and singing about her regrets, how there is no way the living her can survive, and cursing her attackers.The concept album was wildly popular online and now there are rumors that the band might get picked up by a record company and go mainstream but for now it’s just a rumor.

Miu Kahm

Played by T
Miu Kahm is well-known online for her fashion blog, where she routinely posts street fashion from the Ibaraki prefecture, pictures of her recent purchases online, modeling, and sponsored ads. However, the blogger had taken a sudden hiatus online to “take care of some personal matters”, she detailed in a blog post. They stopped posting for half a year, with fans wondering about the online influencer’s whereabouts before forgetting about them.Then, as suddenly as before, she returned with a new post! She explained that she was in a better place now that she had gotten out of a stressful place, but had finally taken residence in Tokyo. Fans rejoiced as Miu began to return to her regular posting schedule of Shibuya street fashion, as well as reviewing restaurants and snacks.

Himari Mizutani

Played by Gale
If you’ve been hanging on or around the beach, you might have seen Himari. Whether she’s surfing on the waves, or working at that cute beachfront cafe you just had to visit, if you're by the Tokyo bay, she’s your gal! Hell, even not at the bay, you might have caught a glimpse of her somewhere or another. A free spirit who doesn’t let anything get her down, if you need a hand, Himari is here to help!

Rei Soejima

Social Media Influencer
Played by Cammy
Rei Soejima first gained notoriety as a young child, when he was set to star in an anticipated, high-profile horror film titled ‘Temple of the Dolls.’ However, right before filming was to wrap up, the lead actress died in a mysterious accident, shutting down the film and leading to rumors that the film was cursed. When unedited scenes of the movie were posted on the internet many years later, Rei capitalized off the ensuing attention and gained a sizable social media presence as a result. Although he still refuses to speak in detail about the film’s production or the fatal accident, he’s attracted a large fanbase of horror and occult fans by livestreaming his investigations into supposedly haunted or cursed locations all over Japan- always dressed in his trademark elaborate fashions.

Ritsuki Hoshigumo

Idol Entertainer
Played by Michael
You've heard of him, you love to see him, introducing: "Moon Prince" Ritsuki Hoshigumo! This 25 year old pop star has risen to the ranks of international idol superstardom alongside the other members of his group: Royal Court. He's been touring around Japan, winning the hearts of lonely people everywhere, who long to be whisked away by a handsome prince! Well, he's the prince of your dreams!Word is that Ritsuki has been in the idol business ever since he was a teenager, and has risen to lunar status! No wonder his choreography is out of this world! Interviews and his social media profiles introduce him as an elegant, noble, and dreamy person that anyone would love to get to know!

Ruri Futamata

Played by Han
If you remember Ruri Futamata, up-and-coming world class violinist, here’s your gold star for the day! More likely, for those who do remember, it was something more along the lines of ‘I think that popular musician who wrote a few songs and lost her sponsors after a while or something’, but most of her hardcore fans jumped ship after waiting months between releases that absolutely bombed, so who’s left to say. After her final live performance- canceled halfway through- no one’s heard much from her, or even seen her in public at all. Occasionally her name appears in credits and trends for a while before being removed, so whoever this Ruri What's-her-face’s manager is really needs to get it together! Geez!

Tetsu Miura

Freelance Writer
Played by Pider
You'd nearly miss him if you had to pick him out of a crowd, and not even because he dresses plainly or looks ordinary. He stands in a way that makes him look like he could disappear any moment, and you have to fight to get any eye contact from him. And good luck even getting a good look at him past those thick lens glasses. He slips comfortably into the background. If you read blogs online, though who does that anymore, you might recognize the name from a few of them, but otherwise… he's kind of a nobody. And you get the impression he wants to keep it that way.

Tsubasa Yoshinaga

Played by Mod Ash
Throughout his life, Tsubasa Yoshinaga has been known for his noteworthy intelligence, graduating early and at the top of his class from nearly every level of school he's attended. He currently resides in Tokyo, where he works out of one of the preeminent clinics in his field. Though his brain, beauty, and brawn do seem bound to charm, people say he has a bit of a... strange way of acting.

Zenji Fujiwawa

Played by Jamie
Known to online sleuths and crime reporters only as the Little Ronin, this small-statured bandit is known for strings of robberies, assaults, and general mischief across Japan, mainly targeting smaller towns, rural areas, and shrines. He is recognizable by his white hair and old-fashioned clothing, but despite his distinctiveness, he has never been caught. He’s a slippery thief who’s evaded capture despite over a year of effort by the police. Most of Japan reviles the little vagabond and hopes for his swift arrest, though he does have a small following of online fans.

Zero Ten

Played by Deka
Eight years ago, they called her Fraulein Love, the rookie table tennis player whose opponents couldn’t score a single point against even during the Japanese national tournament. All eyes were on the ruthless chopper who appeared out of the blue, and then disappeared — for all her brilliance, Fraulein Love never made it outside of Japan. In fact, Fraulein Love never even set foot on the professional table tennis stage at all, instead quitting the team during her second year to become an ordinary student.From there, no one ever heard a word from her, her coach claiming that she simply quit the sport one day in order to focus on her studies. Suddenly, without any warning, ‘Fraulein Love’ returned to being a total Zero – that is, the elusive Zero Ten, a mathematician currently working at Tokyo Institute of Technology. A researcher who remained at the school as an assistant professor of sorts, gone are her days as a sportswoman, and even her days as a promising scholar. A researcher whose pencil never stops moving, tackling unsolvable problems, it takes luck and good timing to catch her during an off moment to engage in brief conversation as she prepares for herself another pot of instant coffee.